Intro to Newsletters & Foam Rolling
Foam Rolling continued
Aroma of the Month: Jasmine
Essential Oils: The Basics
Aroma of the Month: Frankinsence
Essential Oils: How to Use
Aroma of the Month: Ylang Ylang
Essential Oils: Reliable Sources
Aroma of the Month: Cedarwood
1 Year Birthday!!!
Aroma of the Month: Bergamot
Chiropractic Care: Dr. Meier Miller
Aroma of the Month: Peppermint
Ergonomic Mouse
Aroma of the Month: Citrus
Tuning Forks
Wellness Tip: Stress
Aroma of the Month: Rosemary
Product Highlight: Deozine
Wellness Tip: Nutrition with Dietician Nicole
Aroma of the Month: Ginger
Product Highlight: Body Wash
Wellness Tip: Batting Cold/Flu Season
Aroma of the Month: Oregano
Product Highlight: Nourishing Body Cream
Wellness Tip: Reduced Stress Holiday Shopping
Aroma of the Month: Pine
Product highlight: MultiSprays
Wellness Tip: Detox
Aroma of the Month: Juniper Berry
Source Vital Product: After Workout Spray
Wellness Tip: Healing for the Soul
Aroma of the Month: Rose
Source Vital Product: Lavender Lotion
Wellness Topic: Foam Rolling
Aroma of the Month: Lemongrass
Source Vital Product: Lemongrass Mani/Pedi Cream
Wellness Topic: Probiotics
Aroma of the Month: Grapefruit
Source Vital Product: Organic Lip Balm
Wellness Topic: Acupuncture
Aroma of the Month: Geranium
Source Vital Product: Pep MultiSpray
Wellness Topic: Magnesium
Aroma of the Month: Blood Orange
Source Vital Product: Roll on Sports Balm
Wellness Tip: Five Components to Feeling Complete
Aroma of the Month: Spearmint
Source Vital Product: Roll on Deozien Deodorant
Wellness Tip: Addaday Pro Massage Roller
Aroma of the Month: Chamomile
Source Vital Product: Cleaner Hands
Wellness Topic: Healthy Routines - Stretching
Aroma of the Month: Lavender
Source Vital: Support Houston
Wellness Topic: Benefits of Pumpkin
Aroma of the Month: Vanilla
Source Vital Product: New Deozein Scent!!
Wellness Topic: Christina's Tips for Battling Congestion
Aroma of the Month: Cinnamon
Source Vital Product: Lavender Body Butter
Wellness Topic: Reduce Holiday Shopping Stress
Aroma of the Month: Juniper Needle
Product: Pink Himalayan Bath Salts
Wellness Tip: Stay Relaxed and Pre Book 2018 Massages
Aroma of the Month: Sage
Source Vital Product: Lavender Body Butter
Wellness Tip: Essentia Water
Aroma of the Month: Neroli
Source Vital Product: Body Wash is Back!!!
Wellness Topic: Spring Clean Your Diet
Aroma of the Month: Clary Sage
Source Vital Product: Lemongrass Mani/Pedi Cream
Wellness Topic: Mental Clarity
Aroma of the Month: Patchouli
Source Vital Product: Lavender Lotion and Body Wash
Wellness Topic: Living in a Chemical World
Aroma of the Month: Tangerine
Source Vital: New! Easy Ordering
Wellness Tip: Homeostasis
Aroma of the Month: Fennel
Source Vital Product: First Aid Spray
Wellness Tip: Cupping
Aroma of the Month: Wintergreen
Source Vital Product: Silt Body Scrub
Wellness Topic: Evo Stretch Strap
Aroma of the Month: Sandalwood
Source Vital: Algae Bath Soak
Wellness Topic: After a Massage...
Aroma of the Month: Petitgrain
Product: New Hair Ties!
Wellness Topic: DIY Steam Towels
Aroma of the Month: Nutmeg
Source Vital Product: Natural Deodorant
Wellness Topic: Switching to Natural Products
Aroma of the Month: Clove
Source Vital Product: New Body Wash Scents!
Wellness Topic: Theraband Stability Trainer
Aroma of the Month: Citronella
Source Vital Product: Jojoba Oil